The ENT Clinic offers the following services:
Diagnosing and Treatment of Hearing Loss: Hearing loss varies depending on the underlying cause, age of the disease, and the affected part of the ear (external, middle, inner and nerve ear). Causes range from the simplest causes range from:
- waxing of the ear canal,
- infections such as otitis media,
- hardness of the ossicles,
- congenital causes,
- elderly hearing loss,
- tumors that pressure the nerve and the list goes on.
Accurate diagnosis is the cornerstone for treating hearing problems and depends on the examination of the ear, which is recommended to be conducted using a microscope or microscope ear otoscope rigid otoscope.
- Hearing tests are very important for the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss. An impedance meter is used to measure movement of the drum membrane and pressure within the middle ear and helps in detecting any loss of work of the Eustachian tube. It can also detect the presence of effusion in the middle ear, which is very common in children.
- A pure tone audiogram determines the degree of hearing loss in each ear, and also determines which part of the ear is responsible for said hearing loss
- Speech audiogram determines the degree to which hearing loss affects the reception and understanding of speech, and is an important examination for patients with hearing loss, or when prescribing hearing aids.
Treatment of hearing loss varies depending on the cause and severity, ranging from medical treatments to surgical intervention to the introduction and use of hearing aids.
Diagnosing and Treatment of Vertigo: Vestibular vertigo is dizziness that occurs due to a disorder in the inner ear and encompasses the majority of dizziness causes in general
Vestibular dizziness reasons are diverse ranging from dizziness caused by the movement of microscopic parts within the inner ear canals and their positioning, to high pressure in the inner lymph fluid in the inner ear, infections of the inner ear, balance nerve inflammation, or balance nerve tumor.
A detailed medical examination of patients suffering from vertigo include questionnaires, a camera tube examination and the recording of eye movement using an infrared camera video.
Pure-tone audiogram also helps diagnose dizziness due to the close proximity of the organs of hearing and balance in the inner ear and their impact in case of illness.
Treatment of vertigo after diagnosis varies depending on specific cases, and each patient receives a catered medical treatment plan which includes medical procedures, medications and an in some cases surgical intervention
Early Detection of Tumors of the Mouth, Pharynx and Larynx
Tumors of the mouth, pharynx and larynx are particularly common in smokers.
The most important symptoms that indicate that a patient needs to see a doctor are:
- When there is difficulty swallowing,
- Hoarseness or change in the nature of the voice,
- Difficulty breathing,
- Appearance of swelling or mass in the neck area.
Patient examination is carried out using a flexible fibroscope which is a simple procedure, painless, fast and does not require special preparation. Endoscopy is performed in the clinic and allows a good view of the pharynx and larynx and any tumor or inflammatory lesion.
Diagnosing and Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis:
It is a very common disease, although allergic rhinitis is a nonlife – threatening disease, it does cause a significant decline in the quality of life and discomfort to patients.
Treatment depends largely on trying to identify the causative agent of allergies by conducting sensitivity tests, and then provide advice and ways to avoid allergens, which may significantly reduce the severity of symptoms and the patient’s need for drug treatment.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Nose and Sinus Diseases
These include a wide range of pathologies some of which are deviation of the symptom, chronic sinusitis, polyps, fungal diseases, allergic rhinitis, and specific rhinitis.
Treatment plans vary greatly depending on the diagnosis, which emphasizes the importance of accurate diagnosis.
Diagnosis is carried out with the help of nasal and sinus endoscopes such as fibro-endoscopes and rigid endoscopes.
Diagnosing and Treatment of Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Common problems that result in tiredness, permanent drowsiness, fatigue, lack of attention and concentration. Diagnosis is carried out by careful examination, endoscopy of the nose, pharynx and other tests may be required.
Treatment depends on the cause and severity of each patients’ condition and thus varies from medical advice and drug therapy, to surgical treatment or the use of high pressure ventilator in other cases.